For future generations...

Here at Life Worth Living, a single goal drives us; to do our part in making the world a better place for all by helping others discover a “life worth living” in Christ (Heb. 11:1 MSG).

"Apart from Me you can do nothing" (John 15:5b). -Jesus
Life Worth Living is in the business of seeing God change and shape lives through the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.
The work we do as a Non-Profit Organization is aimed at providing a path to revival, renewed vision, and revitalization.
We guide individuals and churches to recognize and seize God-given opportunities for eternal impact.
When the Lord told Abram there was a land to which He would be led and he would be a blessing to all peoples, God was imparting a vision. Later, the Lord would repeat His calling and renew Abram’s vision. All believers need a vision from God to press on and achieve godly goals. God has called Life Worth Living Ministries to help people, pastors, and churches to receive a vision that is based on Scripture originating in the heart of God. As a catalyst for change, we ask God to use us to help people “see” what God can do.
Life Worth Living Ministries is a catalyst for change through communication. Through one-on-one mentoring, coaching, as well as small groups, and gatherings of any size, Life Worth Living Ministries communicates a clear, compelling, and convincing message of hope based on the word of God.
God has used many people to influence us over nearly 40 years of ministry. By humbling us God made us teachable. By being teachable, God has used friends, pastors, family, teachers, and leaders, some of whom are well known and others only God knows, to share wisdom and shape us. With every conversation, sermon, teaching, and consulting opportunity, we ask God to use all He has given us to share wisdom and hope with others. Through consultation, we seek God to use us as a catalyst for change as He brings revival and revitalization.

“It was He Who gave some to be apostles, some to be prophets, some to be evangelists, and some to be pastors and teachers, so that the body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.”
Ephesians 4:11 - 13

“The outlook, attitudes, values, self-images, and ways of thinking that were functional in the past have to ‘die’ before people can be ready for life in the present. Moses took care of transition’s ending phase when he led his people out of Egypt, but it was the 40 years in the neutral zone wilderness that got Egypt out of his people.”[i]
[i]William Bridges. Managing Transitions (Boston: Da Capo Press, 2016), p. 43.
Words of Recommendation
Mark Bordeaux led our church in a 6-week study entitled “Discovering Discipleship” While the material was very familiar to most of those who attended, the feedback was very positive. Mark uses his vast experience in the ministry and life to relate to people where they are to help them understand the importance of making sure they are genuinely Disciples of Christ.

God used Mark in a significant way at Airport Baptist Church, not just through his teaching and preaching, but God used him to reveal the truth concerning some struggles that we were facing at the time.
Because of Mark’s guidance and instruction, we, as a church, are making an effort to become the New Testament Church that brings Glory to God through the process of first, making sure we are disciples and second, making disciples of others.
His intelligence and Biblical knowledge is evident in his teaching and preaching. However, Mark is a Holy Spirit led, down to earth, practical minister of the Gospel, who speaks to the heart of people and not over their heads.
On a personal note, I consider Mark a Christian brother, personal counselor, and confidant. While I have only known Mark a few months, he has made an indelible mark in my life. I have gone to him several times for personal guidance and encouragement. I highly recommend Mark Bordeaux and Life Worth Living Ministries to all who desire to understand the Great Commission and how to flesh that out in real life.
In His Grip,
Mark Alan Lawing, Pastor
Airport Baptist Church
Greer, SC